There were so many Hallmark Christmas movies released this year, which left me with both excitement and anxiety. I look forward to these releases every year but where to begin? Which ones are worth watching? I decided to stay organized I would watch as many as possible and review them, so you can pick and choose which movies are worth your time. We Wish You a Married Christmas | Rating: 2/5 The couple in this movie had zero chemistry, which…
Every year the four of us have a cookie bake-off on December 23rd. We each pick a recipe to make and then we all vote on the best cookie of the bunch (you cant vote for yourself, obviously). Some years we opt for more themed cookies (think peppermint, grinch, etc), but this year we realized all of our cookies are very tan and boring, although delicious. Even though our cookies may not be festive they were delicious. Read on to…
Obviously, we love candles (we have our own candle brand), and there is no better time to stock up on candles than the holiday season. So many brands release the best of the best holiday scents. We purchased quite a few this year and thought it would be fun to do a quick review of them all and let you know our personal favorites. We were so excited to launch our own holiday candle this year, Dyad’s YOU + YOURS,…
This is our third year doing our cookie bakeoff which takes place the day before Christmas Eve. We each pick a recipe to make and then judge each other’s bakes. We rate based on a point system and the person with the most points wins. SO this year we all decided to make something a little out of our comfort zone. The risk was worth the reward in some cases, but others not so much! I’ll explain more down below.…
We’re staying in LA for Christmas this year so we decided it was a good time to start some traditions of our own! You know we love baking but we don’t do it as often as we should. We decided that a great way to try out some new recipes was to have a cookie bake-off! The four of us (Carli, myself, and our boyfriends) had to find a cookie recipe, make it and serve it. We then ranked each other’s…