Tools Every Crafter Needs | Twinspiration

Tools Every Crafter Needs

Britta and I have been crafting for some time now, so we’ve gathered certain craft supplies that we MUST have on hand at all times. We’ve also found certain tools that are so useful, we don’t know how we ever lived without them (I’m looking at you spray paint gun). If you’re a DIYer, crafter or anything in between, we hope you find this list helpful!

Tools Every Crafter Needs | Twinspiration

Spray Paint Gun

Could be the best $6 we’ve ever spent. The gun ensures you’re spraying an even coat and takes away the finger pain you feel after spray painting a big project. We all know that pain, it’s no fun.

Marble Contact Paper

You guys KNOW how many times we’ve used this stuff (most notably to make this gold & marble bar cart). Contact paper can be tricky the first time you use it, you just have to make sure to smooth it out so there are no bubbles and it can really transform things.

X-Acto Knife

It’s nearly impossible to cut super close and precise with normal scissors, that’s where the X-Acto Knife comes in. It can cut through nearly any surface and you can be extremely precise with it. I think it’s tied with the spray paint gun as the best $6 a crafter can spend.

Gold Scissors

These are cute & practical! If you run a blog like we do, they look great in Instagram pics.

Mod Podge

The one product every crafter has in their house, at all times. If you don’t know about Mod Podge, this stuff is a glue & sealer in one. Glue down pictures, glitter, etc. and it won’t budge if yo put a layer on top as well. Check out this wine bottle project we made with this amazing stuff!

Silhouette Cameo

This was a Black Friday splurge of ours last year and we don’t know how we lived without it. We’ve mostly used it to create text and shapes with vinyl but we have plans to use iron-on vinyl in the future! Stay tuned.

Gold Spray Paint

We’ve honestly probably bought 10+ bottles of this exact spray paint by now. It’s such a pretty gold that lasts forever. Words cannot describe our attachment to this spray paint.

Little tip: If you don’t want to order online, we’ve ONLY found this spray paint at Home Depot. We recommend stocking up when you see it.

Spray Paint Primer

Every good spray paint needs a good primer! This one works great and we haven’t had trouble finding it anywhere.

Mod Podge Sealer

Much like normal Mod Podge, this does a great job at sealing and protecting your projects. The major difference is that this is a spray and it can’t really be used as glue like regular Mod Podge can.

E6000 Glue

Every crafter needs a strong glue in their arsenal! This one is our favorite and we’ve tried a lot.

Martha Stewart Metallic Acrylic Paint

This paint is the best, most vibrant, long-lasting metallic paint there is. We used this on our mug shelf and it lasted longer than the spots we used our go-to metallic gold spray paint (see above). It’s so affordable and comes in SO many beautiful shades. If you don’t want to order it online, we’ve only seen it at Michales.

Dritz Unique Stitch Adhesive

Full disclosure, we have not used this stuff yet but we have a project planned! We’ve heard good things from multiple bloggers and since we’re not sewers, we thought we’d try it out!

What are some of your favorite craft supplies?! Let us know in the comments below!

xo Carli