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Britta Garsow

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things that spark joy ✨

things that spark joy | @thegarsowtwins

This video is long overdue for us! Over the past year, we started prioritizing joy and finding it in everyday life. Simple joys like reading and listening to our favorite podcasts were an easy way to increase happiness. But in this video, we talk all about things that spark joy in our life, big or small. Hopefully, it inspires you in some way!…

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Monthly Recaps

Summer 2023 Recap

Summer 2023 Recap | @thegarsowtwins

I know, I know. I said I was bringing our monthly recaps back and then quickly fell off my game. Instead of doing separate posts for June and July, I decided I’d recap our whole summer (June-August). In the past, we’ve had pretty uneventful summers and we’re not warm-weather people, so summer was just a holding period until Fall. This year we had more time for some trips and enjoyment, so let’s get into it! Jewelry Making Carli and I…

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