August Favorites 2015
OH MY GOSH…IT IS SEPTEMBER!! Where has the time gone?! I feel like Summer just started yesterday, and now it’s almost over! I don’t mind though, because Fall is my absolute favorite season (#basic). I love everything about Fall and I couldn’t be happier that it is September.
Britta and I had a busy month last month. We worked on the blog a lot and took a weekend trip to Palm Springs and another weekend trip home to Wisconsin. Both trips were a great way to phase out Summer (buh-bye 90+ degree weather).
We discovered some new beauty products last month & re-discovered one of our favorite songs. Watch the video to find out what we were loving in the month of August!
What are some of your favorites right now? (beauty products, songs, food, etc.). Please let us know in the comments below! 🙂
Sorry about the focus issues! It was our first time filming with a new lens, we will have it working for the next video 🙂
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