Donut Birthday Cake
My boyfriends birthday was last Thursday and I knew I didn’t want to get him a normal birthday cake. He loves cake but not as much as I do. His sweet treat of choice is donuts. He eats two a day (he really does). He was blessed with genes that allow him to intake said donuts without gaining a single pound. I know it’s not fair but I’m happy for him. Let him eat donuts.
When I started planning his birthday gifts, the idea of a donut cake entered my mind immediately. It’s perfect for him, I knew he would love it. I bought 16 donuts for the “cake”, all different varieties. I recommend buying all round donuts, it makes it easier to stack them and I like the way it looks. After I stacked the 16 donuts into four different layers, I placed these happy birthday candles into the donut cake. These candles work great for this project because they are adhered to long sticks that help keep the donuts held together.
The whole donut birthday cake (including the candles) only cost me about $13.00 to make and it was a huge hit! My boyfriend loved it and so did everyone else!!