Target Hack: Metallic Animal Decorations
We’re 1000% obsessed with everything in the Threshold Holiday Collection at Target. Every time we go into Target for toothpaste we leave with at least one home decor item. This item is usually metallic, shiny, and in the form of a coffee mug. Any other coffee mug hoarders out there?
We fell in love with this gold deer (not pictured above), this silver bear, and this copper fox. However we didn’t like the $15.00 price tag. It would have been $45 for all three which is basically a new pair of shoes. So no thank you.
Of course our first thought was to DIY! We always have metallic spray paint at home and we assumed plastic toy animals would be a lot less than $15 each (update: we were right).
This is a super simple project and these metallic tones will match any Christmas decor you may have.
- A plastic toy deer, fox, and bear. We got ours at Michael’s! We also chose a smaller size than the animals at Target because space is precious.
- Spray Paint: White primer, metallic gold, metallic silver, and metallic copper. Home Depot has great prices on spray paint. Copper can be hard to find but Michael’s always has it! Make sure to use your 40% off coupon, since it can be as high as $8/can
Prime and paint each animal. Easy as that! We went with exact replicas and did the deer gold, the bear silver, and the fox copper. But you can mix and match however you desire.
We have done a few IKEA hacks in our time, but we are loving this Target hack and will definitely do more in the future!
Have you guys tried to recreate and Target items?
XO, Britta
Such a great idea!
Thanks Jamie! We saw them at Target and knew we had to recreate them!
Awwwww they’re adorable!!!! 😀 <3
Thank you!:)
You’re welcome! 😀 <3