Summertime Salsa | Twinspiration

Summertime Salsa

Mexican food is probably our favorite type of food (sorry pizza, you know you’re my #1). We basically live for nachos and breakfast burritos. And don’t even get me started on margaritas. Nothing beats an ice cold marg on a hot Summer day (SO over this May gray thing). The best thing about Mexican food is that there are so many varieties and no wrong way to do anything. Whoever first put mango in salsa probably got some eye rolls but HOW GOOD IS IT?

Summertime Salsa | Twinspiration

We love to enjoy guacamole and skinny margaritas with our friends in the summertime. They go together so well! Our friend Grace first introduced us to this salsa/guacamole hybrid and we were instantly hooked! We find that chunky salsa is more flavorful and well-rounded, especially this summertime salsa. You’ve got your veggies (corn & onion), your fruits (tomato), your legumes (black beans), and your healthy fats (avocado). Yay for attempting healthy eating!

Summertime Salsa | Twinspiration

This recipe makes a HUGE batch of salsa so you can choose to cut it in half OR just eat salsa for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for five days straight. Your call. We won’t judge.

This summertime salsa is so simple to throw together (if you don’t mind chopping until your hands get sore) and seriously delicious.

Summertime Salsa | Twinspiration


  • 3 avocados, chopped
  • 4 tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 jalapeno, chopped
  • 1 red onion, chopped
  • 1 can of corn
  • 1 can of black beans, drained
  • About 2 tablespoons of cilantro, chopped
  • 2-4 limes (depending on preference), squeezed


  1. Mix first seven ingredients together
  2. Juice each lime, stirring the salsa after each lime
  3. Serve with tortilla chips! Our favorites are Tositos Crispy Rounds

Summertime Salsa | Twinspiration

Summertime Salsa | Twinspiration

Summertime Salsa | Twinspiration

What’s your favorite salsa recipe? 

Xo, Britta

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