Sigma Beauty | Brush Cleaning Tools Review • Twinspiraton

Sigma Beauty | Brush Cleaning Tools Review

Since our makeup addiction has gone full-blown, so has our need for makeup brushes. We really didn’t know how many brushes were out there. There’s literally a makeup brush for everything! Even for something as small as highlighting the inner corner of your eye.

]Recently we were given the opportunity to try Sigma brushes and we were so excited! All of our favorite youtubers love this brand. Although they’re a little more pricey than Morphe (our current go-to brand), we think they’re definitely worth the money.

Sigma Beauty | Twinspiration


We tested out their Best of Sigma Brush Set. Here are the brushes included:

  • F80Flat Kabuki– perfect for cream foundations
  • P88Precision Flat Angled– awesome for getting foundation on the sides of the nose
  • F64Soft Blend Concealer– great for color correcting
  • E57Firm Shader– great for cream eyeshadows
  • E38Diffused Crease– the perfect crease brush! Just dense enough to blend out shadow
  • E34Domed Utility– works perfectly in the outer corner of the eye
  • E21Smudge– the best brush we’ve found for smudging out the lower lash line

All of these brushes were honestly incredible. We were really impressed with the density and quality. Sometimes eye brushes can be too soft and they don’t pack on the color or blend the shadows together as much as they should. We didn’t have that problem with these at all! The flat kabuki was amazing for applying foundation as well! It left such flawless coverage. I would say our favorites were the flat kabuki, firm shader, and the diffused crease.

Sigma Beauty | Twinspiration

The things we were MOST excited to try out by Sigma were their cleaning gadgets. Sigma has changed the makeup brush industry with their cleaning gloves and mats.

We got to try the 2x Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove & the Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Mat. Here is our review of each:

Sigma Beauty | Brush Cleaning Tools Review • Twinspiraton

2x Sigma Spa Brush Cleaning Glove 

The description states:

The 2X Sigma Spa® Brush Cleaning Glove was designed as an upgrade from the original glove featuring not only one, but TWO thumbs for added comfort and an easy-to-turn transition from the eyes to face side. Clean your brushes even faster than the original glove with 8 advanced cleaning textures including 2 new textures – Refined Plus Eyes & Refined Plus Face. All upgraded textures feature high performance, raised silicone for a more effective and deeper clean.

The first thing that sold us about this glove is the fact that it includes a terry cloth glove on the inside. This prevents your hand from getting wet and makes the glove more comfortable. Brilliant!

First we ran the glove under water. Next we squirted a small amount of Dr.Bronner’s Soap onto the middle section of the glove, titled “WASH.” Then we picked up our first brush, ran it under warm water, and started to swirl it in the soap. We quickly realized that this thing lathers FAST. The soap made its way all over the glove and we didn’t have to apply more until about half way through washing.

After swirling each brush in the wash section we then made our way to the section at the bottom marked “REFINE.” The refine section really blew us away. We had no idea how much product was left in our brushes! It took away every ounce of product and left our bristles looking brand new again. The “RINSE” section is meant for added traction when rinsing out the brush. The larger indents definitely helped get all the soap out.

About halfway in we decided this was the very best thing to ever happen to us, makeup wise. It was so satisfying to FINALLY get our brushes squeaky clean. We decided to do then ultimate test. The M444 brush by Morphe. If you have this foundation brush you KNOW it’s impossible to clean. I had to stop using mine because it had built up too much product. So I went through the steps. The wash section was doing a pretty good job, but everything changed when I moved onto refine. Foundation started spilling out of the bristles. I couldn’t believe it! All the built up product was broken down almost instantly. I almost cried tbh. So after that test it was decided that this device is a “must-own-for-the-rest-of-your-life” kind of product.

Sigma Beauty | Brush Cleaning Tools Review • Twinspiraton

Sigma Spa Spa Brush Cleaning Mat 

The description States:

The Sigma Spa® Brush Cleaning Mat is an innovative device featuring 7 patented textures to wash both eye and face brushes. The mat includes suction cups on the backside for secure placement on flat surfaces. Uniquely designed to fit most sinks at 32% larger than the Sigma Spa® Express Brush Cleaning Mat.

After trying the glove we had high hopes for the cleaning mat. It appeared to have the same ridges and indents that worked so well on the glove.

The first thing that struck me about the mat was that there was a side for eye brushes and a separate side for face brushes. I liked this aspect because I knew it would cut down on cleaning time. Another thing I noticed immediately was that this mat sticks to the bottom of the sink and stays in place. You don’t have to worry about it moving around at all.

Now onto some of the things that I didn’t like about the mat. The first being that it doesn’t allow for as much control as the glove did. There was more friction with the glove, which made for a deeper cleaning.

The second thing was that the water kind of built up in the mat, since it couldn’t drain as well as in the glove. So sometimes I would have to pause and let the water drain to continue to clean.

Sigma Beauty | Brush Cleaning Tools Review • Twinspiraton

 Overall both products are amazing at cleaning makeup brushes. The small silicone ridges clean better than anything we’ve used before! I would say if you need a quick cleaning, use the mat. It’s definitely quicker and easier to use. But if you have the time I would say stick with the glove, as it provides a deeper cleaning!

Have you tried these Sigma cleaning gadgets? What are your favorite Sigma brushes?

Xo, Britta