Recreating Mary-Late and Ashley Olsen Photos #OlsenImitation

Recreating Mary-Late and Ashley Olsen Photos #OlsenImitation

Carli and I have always loved Mary-Kate and Ashely Olsen. We were super fans from the first time we saw My First Video, where they put their brother up for sale. We were always trying to sing and dance with the hopes that we could mimic the world they created for themselves. Over the years we quickly realized we would never find fame in Wisconsin, but we still admired the business they created for themselves and how they seemed to keep their relationship in the center of it.

They are a huge reason why we decided to go into business together and why their success gives us so much drive to do more, together.

We’ve always found their imagery so compelling. They look so chic and effortless in every shoot they’ve done, and we thought it would be so fun to re-create some of those iconic images.

Follow us on Instagram @thegarsowtwins to see more of our #OlsenImitation series: