Hanacure Mask Review

Have you guys seen reviews/videos/photos floating around the internet of that mask that makes you look old and wrinkly? Yes, you heard that right. It’s a face mask that makes your face look like it aged 30 years in just minutes. Well, we’ve been watching reviews on this miracle mask that’s supposed to basically create new, perfect skin for you (I’m dramatizing the claims but really, it’s supposed to make your skin look amazing). Even Drew Barrymore raved about the results she saw. Well, we were lucky enough to be invited to a gifting suite during the holidays and this mask (the Hanacure All-In-One Facial Mask) was one of the gifts we got! We couldn’t wait to try it out and figured we’d film it since we wanted to share the experience with all of you.

First of all, we laughed A LOT in this video. We couldn’t help it. The way this mask manipulated our faces as it dried and pulled at our skin was just hilarious. Painful, but hilarious. Since you’re supposed to leave the mask on for 3o minutes, we do 10-minute check-ins throughout the video so you can view our progress.

If you watch our YouTube videos then you’ve heard us say how sensitive our skin is. We have a lot of allergies to certain products and we were expecting to get red and itchy from this intense mask but luckily, we didn’t experience redness for about 15 minutes after washing the mask off but then the redness dissipated and I was left with smooth, lovely skin. At the end of the video we tell you we will give you an update so here it is…we love this mask! A few hours after we washed the mask off, we couldn’t believe how soft our skin was but that was the only positive result we saw. However, the next morning we both noticed our pores were clear and significantly smaller and our skin was super even in tone. I seriously felt like it looked like I was wearing foundation when I wasn’t. The perfect skin lasted about 3 days before it went back to normal.

We would highly suggest the Hanacure Mask for special occasions where you want your skin to look really amazing the next day!

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