Fall Favorites 2018
Happy fall, yall!! Do people really say that? Anyways, it’s the best time of the year and we couldn’t resist making another fall favorites video. I do want to mention that we still love everything we included in last year’s video, but we didn’t want any repeats so this year we have a brand new bunch of favorite fall items.
Like last year, we have a bunch of Trader Joe’s items, but what’s new. If you’re familiar with our weekly favorites you know how much we love TJs. We have a good mix of beauty, home decor, and food this year so we hope you enjoy it!
I also want to mention that there is no better fall movie than Double, Double Toil & Trouble, which was in last year’s video. We recently discovered that it’s on Hulu, so be sure to watch it before it disappears!
Enjoy this year’s fall favorites! xx, Britta