FABLife Show by Twinspiration

FABLife Show

Recently we had the chance to be on the daytime talk show, FABLife. They were producing a double duty episode that was all about using one item two ways. So of course they thought of twins! Carli and I, along with two other sets of twins, modeled clothes that can be worn two different ways. We were obsessed with the little black dresses they put us in. We also got to catch us with our friends, The Baker Twins 🙂

FABLife Show by Twinspiration


To our surprise we were asked to be in another segment about using versatile makeup products. You guys know we’re all about beauty products so we were excited about this. They preceded to (casually) tell us that Marlena from Makeup Geek would be doing our makeup! We love her and her products so this made us over the moon. Marlena was the sweetest human ever, and she was so humble about the business she created. #LifeGoals

If you want to watch both of our segments, here they are:



Xo, Britta


  1. Wow!!!! I am just beyond excited for both of you!! What an amazing experience!! Y’all totally deserve it!!! I love the FAB life show!! Watch it all the time when I workout haha!! AAA I am just so happy for you!!

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