eSalon Unboxing
Carli and I started dying our hair Senior year of high school. Our natural color is a really dull brown, so we went with a rich deep brown to give our features a pop. Back in high school we didn’t have rent, or a car payment, or an electricity bill, etc. (Life was pretty great back in high school, huh?). So we could use our hard earned cash on salon visits.
When we moved to California after high school we started box-dying our hair black. Literally the worst decision we ever made. It looked nice but most box dyes are permanent, which is made to cover grays. In other words it basically holds onto your hair follicles for dear life. So when Carli and I wanted to go back to brown it took a lot of bleach to get the color out (which led to a lot of breakage. RIP long hair).
Back in San Diego we went to this fabulous hair dresser Rebecca at Beauty 101 in Oceanside. When we moved up to LA we were only working part time, and our bills went up, so we knew we had to cut back on unnecessary expenses, like getting our hair done.
We researched a lot of options and stumbled upon eSalon. Its a service that sends you salon formulated hair color, as often as you wish. The color is created specifically for you. They can match any picture you show them, or just describe what you want. A colorist will help choose your color, and if you’re not satisfied you can exchange the color for a new one!
It ships very fast and includes everything you need (hair color & developer, gloves, shampoo & conditioner, and stain guard). All for $20. I get mine delivered every six weeks, but you can choose four weeks or eight weeks as well.  There also have a a bunch of products you can purchase. I haven’t tried any so if you have, let me know your favorites!
The formula that I use is demi-permanent so its not as harsh on your hair, but still covers great. My color is “Dark Brown Natural Golden.” I like it because they golden undertones help blend the color with my natural color. I get SO MANY compliments on my hair color. This formula fades faster than permanent hair dye, but I think it’s worth it. My hair has never felt so healthy, which I didn’t think was a possibility with dyed hair.
So for all you “box dye” lovers out there, consider switching over to eSalon. It’s worth the extra $10/month. Trust me!
If you’re interested in trying it out, please use my link: (this is NOT a sponsored post!).
Thank you!
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Featured Image by @esalon