Beauty Product Empties | June 2018

Beauty Product Empties | June 2018

We feel like we just filmed an empties video for you, but here we are again. We keep a bag in our office and the two of us each add a product to the bag when we’ve used it up. Somehow, this bag fills up extremely fast. It’s actually really interesting to see the products that we use up the most. For us, those are things we use daily like body lotion, toner, makeup removers, shave cream, shower gel, etc. As far as makeup goes, we go through a lot of mascara and brow pencils. Mascara because it dries out fast and brow pencils because they just don’t have a large fill weight. I would love to feature more makeup in these videos but we just never make it through products!

It’s also really fun to film these videos because we try to give you guys mini reviews while filming so you can decide if you want to purchase something or not. When all of these products are together in one place, it really makes you rank products and it’s easier to come up with a clear opinion on the products. Like in this video I talked about 3 brow gels and 3 mascaras and looking at them next to each other, it was easy to see which ones I liked over the others and which ones I would repurchase.

Obviously we run through product fast so we will keep doing these videos, hopefully you enjoy watching them!