Beauty Product Empties | January 2019

Beauty Product Empties | January 2019

It’s time for another empties video! We feel like we go through products so quickly but there are two of us, so naturally, our empties videos are more often than most! We try to do four a year, or one per season. When we saw our empties bin was overflowing we knew it was time to film another one! Empties videos are some of our favorite videos to watch on YouTube because it’s always interesting to see what products our favorite YouTuber actually use (up). So we hope these are helpful for you. We always like to include products that we just stopped using for one reason or another, so that you know why we wouldn’t recommend them. In most cases, we only mention products we love (ie. favorites), so hopefully, some insight into products that didn’t work out for us is helpful! Thanks for watching! xx, Britta