Morphe Brushes Haul by The Garsow Twins

Morphe Brushes Haul

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There is currently only one Morphe Brushes store in existence and it happens to be 7.4 miles from our house. Due to the odd hours (they’re only open till 8pm Tuesday-Thursday) we haven’t been able to make it to Morphe. Such-A-SHAME. Let me tell you. This store is every makeup lovers dream. Literally walls and walls full of makeup brushes. I couldn’t tell you what 80% of them are used for, but they sure are pretty. We went specifically for the 350 Palette, and were both able to get one (they limit one per customer)!

Watch our haul video to see everything we purchased at Morphe. We will definitely be back (all too) soon!

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Morphe Brushes Haul on Twinspiration